
Thermal Cameras for Hog Hunting and Control

Thermal Cameras for Hog Hunting and Control

How to Use Thermal Cameras for Hog Hunting You’ve more than likely heard about the impact that wild hogs or feral hogs are having in our country. Feral hogs are the descendants of escaped domestic pigs from long ago. They are non-native to the United States, and like many other...

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Interesting Uses for Vehicle-Mounted Thermal Cameras

Interesting Uses for Vehicle-Mounted Thermal Cameras

Vehicle-Mounted Thermal Cameras Like a kid getting a new toy, most people are pretty floored when they get to see a thermal camera working its magic. Cutting through darkness, fog, dust, or vegetation, it’s hard to hide a heat signature when you’re looking through one of these cameras. But they’re...

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How to Avoid Deer When Driving

How to Avoid Deer When Driving

Best Ways You Can Avoid Deer When Driving Remember the old saying by Benjamin Franklin, which goes something like this: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Clearly, it’s better to avoid a potentially harmful situation altogether instead of having to then fix things after an accident....

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Best Vehicle Mounted Thermal Camera for Deer

Best Vehicle Mounted Thermal Camera for Deer

Great Uses of a Thermal Camera for Deer Before anyone gets too bothered by the phrase “thermal camera for deer”, let’s clear something up. No, this article isn’t about using a thermal camera for hunting deer. That would require a thermal image scope and would be very illegal. When we...

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The Best Value In Thermal Imaging Camera Systems

A thermal imaging camera system is a pretty big investment. So you may be looking for a thermal imaging brand that offers the most value. If so, you came to the right place. The Benefits Of Driving With A Thermal Imaging System We’ve reached a point where thermal imaging systems...

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